Estimated year of creation: Since the Sumerians complained about the first Hebrews, about 2,300 years before Christ, it was when the first historical record of the Jewish People was had, but, the creation of their religion is framed around the year 5,300 BC ( Adam and Eve), with the figure of their prophet Abraham who lived around 1,800 BC, and in AD 1,666 when the Temple of Jerusalem was rebuilt.
Main books of Judaism: Tanakh. Talmud. Torah (introduction, teaching, doctrine).
Main prophets of Judaism:
The prophet: Abraham (1,800 BC).
Four major prophets: Isaiah. Jeremiah. Ezequiel. Daniel.
Twelve Minor Prophets: Hosea. Joel. Amos. Obadiah. Jonah. Micah. Nahum. Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Haggai. Zacharias. Malachi.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Israel (founded in 1948 AD).
Number of faithful around the world: 15 million.
Main symbol of Judaism: Star of David.
Jewish God or Prophet: Abraham and Moses.
Basic principles of Judaism:
That the Creator praised his name, created and directs the world, He only made, does and will do all the deeds.
That the Creator praised his name is not bodily, bodily influences do not reach him, and nothing can compare to him.
That the Creator does not have a body or any form.
May the Creator praise his name, He is the beginning and eternity.
That the Creator praised his name is worthy of making Tefillah and there is no one to ask outside of Him.
That all the words of our prophets are true.
That Moshe Rabbenu's prophecy is true and he was the father of all the prophets of all time.
That the Torah that we have is the same that was given to Moshe Rabbenu.
That this Torah will not be changed and there will be no other from the Almighty.
That the Creator praised his name, knows everything that the person does and knows all his thoughts.
May the Creator praising his name well reward those who keep his Mitzvot and punish those who transgress his precepts.
That the Mashiach will come. And even if it takes time, we wait for your arrival every day.
That the dead will rise again when it is the will of the Almighty, praised his name.
Short description of Judaism.
Originating from Abraham, a Jew born in Ur, some 4,200 years ago, Judaism is the parent religion from which Christianity, Islam and many others will later evolve. Currently, the most important currents within Judaism are: the ultra-Orthodox, the reformist, the humanist Judaism, the Karaite, the Orthodox, the conservative and the reconstructionist. Considering its rich and complex religious tradition, Judaism has never been a monolithic organization, although its various historical forms have shared certain distinctive features. The main common characteristic is that of radical monotheism, that is, the belief that a single transcendent God created the Universe and that, fortunately, he continues to rule it. Going deeper into this monotheism, the theological conviction is given that the world is intelligible because there is a divine intelligence and the result of an intentional causality that sustains it. Nothing in humanity is the result of chance; in the ultimate sense, everything has a meaning. Divine intelligence manifests itself to the Jews both in their natural order, through creation, and in their historical-social order, through revelation. The same God who created the world revealed himself to the Israelites on Mount Sinai. The content of this revelation is what constitutes The Torah (that is, the 'law'), the will of God for humanity expressed through commandments (mitsvot) by which people should rule their lives in mutual interaction with each other. and God. Humanity can become a harmonious part of the cosmos if it lives according to the laws of God, and submitting to the divine will.
The books that make up the Pentateuch, the first part of the Bible, are:
Genesis - Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית), "In the beginning"
Exodus - Shemot (שְׁמוֹת), "Names"
Leviticus - Vayikrá (וַיִּקְרָא), "And called"
Numbers - Bemidbar (בְּמִדְבַּר), "In the desert"
Deuteronomy - Devarim (דְּבָרִים), "Words" / "Things" / "Laws". .
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