Estimated year of creation: 2005.
Creator of doubting: Oliver Benjamin.
Main prophet of doubting: Character of The Dude from the movie "The Big Lebowski" and Epicurus.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Los Angeles, United States of America and Thailand.
Number of faithful around the world: 450,000
Main symbol of Dudeism:
Main books of Dudeism:
For this religious current, the sacred word is the feature film as such, from which all its teachings are taken, since each of its dialogues takes on a fundamental importance within the beliefs and adorations that it preaches. On the other hand, the doubters have their own magazine, called: "Dudespaper", which has reached countries like Chile and Mexico; Furthermore, they have launched a self-help book called “The Abide Guide”, and as a method of attraction for women, they have published their own social network on the Internet, called “The Rug”.
Basic principles of Dudeism:
The foundations of Dudeism are based on Oliver Benjamin's motto, which states: "Life is too complicated to understand, so don't do anything ." In this way, the faithful of the religion take their life calmly and profess a deep peace within their environment.
Basic philosophy of Dudeism:
For the doubter, the human being has been subjected for centuries to an innumerable amount of rules, obligations, responsibilities and parameters that are set in his life, even before he is born. Thus, the human being, by his existence, is condemned to be born, live and die, the law of life that covers humanity. However, the system also considers other obligations that must be subject to the existence of the human being, since being born and living is not enough, but rather needs to acquire and carry out other processes, such as: school training, university training, getting a job, looking for a house, forming a family and thus ending their days working. A structure that is repeated in the life of the human being regardless of the region or faith that he professes. Dudeism considers that the same society, through this calculated structure, tries to control the lifestyle of human beings and exercise over it by showing what is good for them and what is not good for them. In this distinction, he shows everyone what is best for him: the most ambitious careers and the jobs with which he will be able to achieve the “ideal” life project. From this situation, Dudeism is taken as a religion in which human beings can express and live the lifestyle they want , where their decisions do not affect society in any way, they do not generate chaos, but rather, it does. for your own good, peace and quiet.
Life's sense
As we mentioned, much of this religion is based on the idea of leading life with a soul, so its members follow practices that allow them to relax and exist comfortably. These activities include bowling, smoking marijuana, and drinking White Russian. The main element that is disseminated in Lebowsky's teachings is the taking of the figure of a contemporary Buddha that receives the name of The "Church of the Latter-Day Dude", a title that would make an ironic allusion to the Mormon community, known worldwide like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Commandments: each of the commandments of the religion are summarized in "take it easy", translated as "take it easy" , which invites you to lead a life of tranquility and peace, being the motto, also of Lebowsky himself, which mentions while being on a marijuana cloud and dealing with life's hardships. The members of Dudeism must lead a life devoid of cares and ambitions, and their most important passion is going bowling in the company of the people they love most.
Short description of Dudeism
As one of the main parodic religions, Dudeism is a current in which the main purpose is to promote a lifestyle whose foundations are influenced by the philosophy of the ancient Greek thinker, Epicurus. So, too, this lifestyle must be consistent with Taoism and is personified in the character of The Dude from the movie "The Big Lebowski."