Estimated year of creation: 1948
Main Book of the Ashtar Command: The Rescue of Earth.
Main deities of the Ashtar Command: Commander Ashtar of the Erks Council of Elders.
Headquarters / Planet: The mothership Shan Chea, on course for the planet Venus.
Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.
God or Prophet of the Ashtar Command: Ashtar Sheran.
Main symbol of the Ashtar Command:
Basic principles of the Ashtar Command:
In the first messages promoted by Van Tassel, Ashtar spoke with great apocalyptic concern about the development and testing of the hydrogen bomb. According to the messages, the detonation of the device would cause a catastrophic destruction of the Earth and also of this section of the galaxy. Most of the teachings at the time focused on an dire need to save the planet and also prepare for a possible evacuation scenario if things didn't go well. In communications Van Tassel received, he was informed that he should contact the United States government in an attempt to stop testing of this weapon. The first message channeled by Van Tassel from Ashtar on July 18, 1952 was published in the book. I assembled a flying saucer as follows (1952: 30-32):
I greet you, beings of Shan, I bless you in love and peace, my identity is Ashtar, commander of the quadra sector, Schare patrol station, all projections, all waves. Greetings, through the Council of Seven Lights, you have been brought here inspired with the light within to help your fellow man. You are mortals and other mortals can only understand what your fellow men can understand. The purpose of this organization is, in a sense, to save humanity from itself. Some years ago, his time, his nuclear physicists penetrated the "Book of Knowledge"; They discovered how to explode the atom. As distasteful as the results have been, that this force must be used for destruction, it does not compare to what it can be. We have not been concerned about its explosion of plutonium and UR 235, the parent element of uranium; This atom is an inert element. However, we are concerned about his attempt to exploit the element of hydrogen. This element is life, along with five other elements in the air you breathe, in the water you drink, in the makeup of your physical substance, hydrogen. Their efforts in the field of science have been successful to the extent that they are not content to rest on the laurels of a power that is beyond their use, they are not content to the complete destruction of one entire deity at a time. They must have something more destructive, they do. When they explode the hydrogen atom, they will extinguish life on this planet. They are playing with a formula that they do not understand. You are destroying a vital element of Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: you must send your government all the information that we have transmitted to you. You will need to request that your government immediately communicate with every other nation on earth, regardless of political sentiment. Many of your physicists, with a development of inner perception, have refused to have anything to do with the explosion of the hydrogen atom. The explosion of an atom of inert substances and that of a living substance are two different things. We are not concerned with your deliberate determination to extinguish humanity and turn this planet to ash. Their materialism will not go along with our attempt to warn humanity. Rest assured, they will stop exploding life-giving atoms, or we will eliminate all projects related to them. Our missions are peaceful, but this condition occurred before in this solar system and the planet, Lucifer, was torn apart. We are determined that it will not happen again. The governments of the planet Shan have admitted that we are of a higher intelligence, they must also admit that we are of a higher authority. We don't have to go into their buildings to know what they are doing. We have the formula that you would like to use. It is not destined for destruction. Its purpose here has been to create a receptivity that we can communicate with your planet, since by the attraction of the atoms of light substances, we patrol your universe. To your government and to your people and through them to all governments and all people on planet Shan, please accept the warning as a blessing for humanity to survive. My light, we will keep in touch here in this cone of receptivity. My love, I am Ashtar.
Short description of the Ashtar Command.
George Van Tassel first established The Brotherhood of the Cosmic Christ in 1948, then the Universal Wisdom Ministry in 1952. The Brotherhood of Cosmic Christ was a small group that met weekly at Giant Rock for meditation and channeling sessions.
The Ashtar Command is an “air” division of the Great Brotherhood of Light, under the spiritual direction of Lord Sananda, known on Earth as Jesus, or the Christ, our Chief Commander. Composed of millions of spacecraft and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current planetary cycle of purification and realignment of the Earth's poles. We serve as "midwives" at the birth of humanity from dense physical bodies to physical-etheric bodies of Light, capable of ascending to the fifth dimension along with the Earth.