Estimated year of creation of Scientology: 1953.
Principal Book of Scientology: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
Scientology's main prophet: L. Ron Hubbard.
World Headquarters / Capital: Flag, your spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, Florida.
Number of faithful around the world: 40,000
Founder of Scientology: L. Ron Hubbard.
Main symbol of Scientology: An "S" with a double triangle. The "S" stands for Scientology. The lower triangle is called the ARC Triangle (pronouncing the letters A, R, C); A for affinity, R for reality and C for communication. The first vertex of the triangle is affinity, which is the degree of affection or liking for something or someone. Reality is the second vertex, and it is fundamentally agreement. The third vertex is communication, defined as the exchange of ideas between two people. These three factors are interrelated. Without a certain degree of affection and some basis for agreement, there is no communication. Without communication and some basis for affinity or emotional response, there can be no reality. Without some basis for agreement and without communication, there can be no affinity. And when one vertex of the triangle is improved, the same happens with the other two remaining vertices. The combination of these three interrelated factors leads to understanding and is expressed as a triangle. The ARC constitutes a fundamental tenet of the Scientology religion.
The upper triangle is called the KRC Triangle (pronouncing the letters K, R, C); K for knowledge, R for responsibility and C for control. In the same way as the points of the ARC triangle, these three elements are also interrelated. When one vertex of triangle KRC rises, the other two also rise.
Basic principles of Scientology:
1. The core beliefs of Scientology are that each person is an immortal spirit being (called a thetan) who possesses a mind and a body, and that people are basically good. The life that each one should lead is one of education, knowledge and continuous spiritual and ethical improvement, in order to be happy and achieve definitive salvation, as well as being more effective in creating a better world. Scientology claims to offer specific methodologies to help the person achieve this.
2. There are three interrelated (and intrinsically spiritual) building blocks that are the true foundation of successful livingness: affinity, reality (or agreement), and communication, which are equated with understanding. Hubbard called this the "ARC triangle." Scientologists use the ARC to improve their lives, based primarily on the belief that raising one aspect of the triangle increases the other two.
3. He argues that the mind of man is structured in two parts: the "analytical mind" and the "reactive mind." He described the analytical mind as the positive, rational and calculating part, while the reactive, according to him, works on the basis of stimuli and responses. Scientologists believe that the reactive mind is the root of individual anguish, as well as the origin of humanity's aberration and its inability to create lasting, prosperous and healthy societies.
Short description of Scientology.
What is Scientology? A Religion? ... Is Scientology a religion of extraterrestrial origin ?. Scientology is the belief and teaching system of the so-called Church of Scientology. Originally proposed as a secular philosophy in 1952 by the American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard and later calling it a religion since 1953, creating the Church of Scientology in Camden, New Jersey. Scientology teaches that humans are immortal spirit beings who have forgotten their true nature. His method of spiritual rehabilitation is called "auditing", and by doing it, practitioners relive traumatic events or experiences (often forgotten) from their past with the aim of freeing themselves of their negative charge or limiting effects and thus improve their present and future life. . This concept has many similarities with the idea of Karma of the Eastern religions and Scientology would be in terms of those religions a way to "cleanse the bad Karma" to live happier lives. Its large number of practitioners in almost all the countries of the world declare to have achieved great positive changes in their lives thanks to the application of these techniques, although some others describe Scientology as a sect that psychologically and economically abuses its members.
Scientology: Scio (Latin) "knowledge, in the broadest sense of the word", logos (Greek) "study of". Therefore Scientology means "knowing how to know." Scientology is a religion of the Twenty-first Century. It encompasses an extensive body of knowledge that is derived from certain basic truths; and among these truths, the main one is: man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities that go far beyond what is normally imagined. You are not only capable of solving your own problems, achieving your goals, and achieving lasting happiness, but also reaching new states of consciousness that you may never have dreamed possible.
In one way or another, all the great religions have held out the hope of spiritual freedom: a condition free from material limitations and misery. However, the question has always been: how does one achieve such a state, particularly when living in the midst of a hectic and often overwhelming society?
Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex collection of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to these problems are basically simple and available to all men. Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, annoying insecurities, self-doubt and despair - every man innately possesses the potential to rid himself of these and many other worries. Scientology claims to offer a path to greater freedom.