Estimated year of creation: 1973 AD
Main deity of the Raelian movement: The Elohim.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Geneva, Switzerland.
Number of faithful around the world: 100,000
Prophet of the Raelian movement: Claude Vorilhon better known as Rael.
Main symbol of the Raelian movement:
The Star of David represents infinity in SPACE. The aliens who created humanity in the laboratory, discovered that the infinitely large and the infinitely small are the same. For example, each atom in our hand is made up of infinitely small particles that are similar to planets and galaxies. On the contrary, galaxies are particles of a huge atom in a gigantic universe, and so on to infinity.
The swastika in the center reminds us of the shape of our galaxy and represents infinity in TIME. Everything in the Universe, in the infinitely large as well as the infinitely small, is in a constant transformation: matter has no beginning or end, EVERYTHING IS CYCLICAL.
Main book of the Raelian movement: Intelligent Design, Message from the Designers - written by Rael. Other books written by Rael are: "Sensual Meditation", "Geniocracy", "Yes to Human Cloning" and "The Maitreya extract from his teachings".
Basic principles of the Raelian movement:
Self-love. To love oneself is to accept oneself as one is in order to eliminate our complexes. It is living what we become, without trying to pretend what we are not yet. It is feeling good about yourself, opening up to life and flourishing. This attitude contributes to the development of healthy positive thoughts, and cultivates indulgence towards oneself and towards others, stripping oneself of any aggression.
Guilt and fear lead our body to secrete toxic substances that are harmful to our health. Self-love comes through awareness of these states and rejection of stress.
Self respect. This respect requires a healthy life obtained by being in harmony with nature, the practice of meditation, relaxation and the adoption of a healthy diet. Drugs, tobacco, alcohol must be avoided. These substances destroy our genetic code and cause defects for generations to come.
Responsibility. Every human being is the master of his destiny, his successes, as well as his failures. He is always responsible for his actions, even if he obeys an order. Consequently, you must refuse to execute any order that is contrary to your conscience.
"Do not obey any order at all and regardless of the person who issued the order, if the order is contrary to your conscience." - Maitreya, RAEL
Absolute respect for life. Even if any power would make us believe that by executing a single man we could save all humanity, we should not kill this man because the life of a single non-violent man is as valuable as that of all humanity.
Respect for others. Tolerance is not enough because to tolerate is to accept differences without enthusiasm. Humanity derives its riches from diversity, since the more different a human being is from us, the more we will become richer. This is why we encourage others to fully live their differences, whether racial, cultural, religious or sexual.
Share. Every human being has the right throughout his life to have something to eat, a place to sleep, to dress decently and to receive an education, even if he does not work. He who works also has the right to have luxuries, an essential engine for human progress. The luxury obtained will be proportional to the work done and the progress it brought to society.
Democracy. This is the only possible way for everyone to accept the system of government of a country. If it is accompanied by a strict respect for Human Rights, it allows everyone to give proper meaning to their lives. While respecting individual freedoms, it also enriches the values that society gives to itself.
Nonviolence. Threats of violence should be punished as severely as violence itself, because they imply that the individual who says them admits that their views can be triumphed by violence.
"It is by loving your neighbor near and far that you elevate yourself, while doing good to them." - Maitreya, RAEL
World peace. The creation of a world government supported by a global army of "Guardians of Peace" for the entire planet would make it possible to eliminate national armies and dedicate their military budgets to fighting world hunger, saving the planet and maintaining universal peace. .
Femininity. Femininity is love. It is important to feminize the Earth, to be aware that wisdom is on a par with femininity. If all human beings on this Earth became feminine, refined, there would be no more war. If femininity is the cure for humanity and how to prevent its destruction, its development becomes a necessity and the responsibility of every human being without distinction of gender.
Short description of the Raelian movement. The International Raelian Movement is a religion of the so-called "UFOs", because according to them they explain, some very scientifically advanced extraterrestrial beings, called Elohim, would have created all life on Earth through genetic engineering. According to Raelian teaching, a combination of human cloning and "mind transfer" could ultimately provide humans with the gift of immortality.
The religion was born after Claude Vorilhon better known as Rael, (born in France in 1946) son of Colette Vorilhon, said to have been contacted by extraterrestrial beings. Vorilhon dedicated himself in his youth to singing, being known as Claude Celler and later to sports journalism, eventually having his own magazine about the automotive world, Auto Pop.
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