Headquarters / Capital in the world: OSHO International Meditation Resort, in Pune, India.
Year of creation: 1972 AD
Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.
Prophet of the Osho Movement: Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh, better known as Osho (guru)
Main symbol of the Osho Movement:
Main books of the Osho Movement:
Learn to love year 2008
Meditation: The first and last freedom year 1988
Emotional well-being year 2007
The path of the tao year 2003
Courage: the joy of living dangerously year 1999
Learning to silence the mind year 1990
Love, freedom and loneliness year 2001
The book of man: The Adam, the slave, the son, the homosexual, the husband, the politician ... year 1969
Main deities of the Osho Movement:
Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh at the end of 1981, through his secretary Ma Anand Sheela (Sheela Silverman), announced the creation of the 'religion of Rajnishism', the basis of which would be the fragments taken from various speeches and interviews that Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh had given in recent years. 51
In July 1983, Rajnísh Foundation International published a book entitled Rajnishism: An Introduction to Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh and His Religion, " 52 in an attempt to systematize Rajnísh religious teachings and institutionalize the movement. Despite all this, the publication it proclaimed that it was not a religion, but "... a religion without religion ..." just a quality of love, silence, meditation, and a spirit of prayer. " 53
Lewis F. Carter (1990) mentions that the motivation for formalizing the teachings of Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh was not easy to determine, but perhaps it could have been linked to the fact that a visa application had been made to the Immigration and Naturalization Service as well obtain the status of "religious worker" for him.
However, he drew on these major spiritual traditions, including Jainism , Hinduism , Hasidic Judaism , Tantricism , Taoism , Christianity , Buddhism , on a variety of Western and Eastern mystics, and on sacred scriptures such as the Upanishads and the Guru Granth. Sahib . 167 Sociologist Lewis F. Carter saw his ideas as rooted in Hindu advaita , in which human experiences of separation, duality, and temporality are seen as a kind of dance or game of cosmic consciousness in which everything is sacred, has an absolute value and is an end in itself.
Basic principles of the Osho Movement:
The Ten Commandments of Osho
In his early days as Acharia Rajnísh, he was once asked by a correspondent for his Ten Commandments. In response Osho pointed out that it was a difficult matter because he was against any kind of commandment but that just for fun, he stated the following;
Never obey any command unless it also comes from within you.
There is no other God than life itself.
The truth is within you. Do not search for her in other site.
Love is a prayer.
Becoming emptiness is the door to truth. The void itself is the means, the destination, and the achievement.
Life is here and now. Live, fully awake.
Don't swim, float.
Die at every moment so that you can be born again at every moment.
Do not search. That which is, is.
Stop and look.
Short description of the Osho Movement.
The Rajnishe Movement is a term used by Hugh B. Urban and other commentators to collectively refer to people inspired by the Indian mystic Osho, formerly known as Bhagwan Shri Rajnísh, 1931-1990, who particularly initiated disciples, known as neo-sanniasins. They were formerly known as rajnishes or "orange people", due to the orange robes (later there were red, brown and pink ones) that they wore from 1970 to 1985. Members of the movement are sometimes called Oshoites in the Indian press.
The movement was controversial in the 1970s and 1980s, due to the founder's hostility to traditional values, first in India and later in the United States, particularly in the state of Oregon where the movement had a large intentional community in the early days. of the 1980s. In the Soviet Union, the movement was banned because it was against the "positive aspects of Indian culture and the goals of the youth protest movement in Western countries" that were being subverted by Osho , who was presented as a reactionary religious ideologue of the monopoly bourgeoisie of India, promoting the ideas of the consumer society in a traditional Hindu costume. Tensions reached a fever pitch in Oregon when leading members of the Rajnishpuram commune of Oregon were arrested for a series of crimes, including a bioterrorist attack in 1984. Citizens of The Dalles, Oregon were subjected to deliberate food poisoning infected with salmonella, in order to influence the results of a local election. Osho was deported from the United States in 1985 for immigration violations and the movement's headquarters eventually returned to Pune, India. - See the documentary: Widl Wild Country.