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Estimated year of creation: 1100.

Headquarters / Capital in the world: Cologne.

Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.

God or Prophet of Hellenism: Albert the Great (1193 - 1280)

Occultism is a set of magical and mysterious knowledge and practices, with which it is intended to penetrate and master the secrets of nature. The expression occultism is of Latin origin "occultus" which means "secret, hidden, mysterious" as opposed to "visible knowledge".


Occultism is related to beliefs and theories that defend the existence of phenomena that do not have any rational or scientific explanation, therefore, occultism is dedicated to the occult sciences or to the study of phenomena for which science did not give an explanation.


The origin of occultism is unknown for sure, but what is a reality is that it emerged several millennia ago, standing out during the Middle Ages. For this reason, the researchers affirm that the occult generated valid knowledge due to the non-existence of the scientific method, or its marginalization during the Middle Ages.


Occultism is related to operations that seem to depend beyond the five senses, which is why it is affirmed that occultism has to do with the presence of spiritual forces and its purpose is to divine the past, present and future, as well as to cure diseases .


There are various occult sciences, the most prominent being the following:

alchemy (transmutation of the soul, conversion of metal into gold obtaining the philosopher's stone, that is, the whole life;

cartomancy (it is the prediction of the future through playing cards, it can be with a Spanish or English deck),

numerology (consists of guessing the future through numbers),

herbalism (uses medicinal plants to cure and prevent diseases of all kinds).


In relation to the above, it can be indicated that the aforementioned occult sciences contributed to the creation of some exact sciences. Levitation (body or object is suspended in the middle without having any object that supports it, that is, it floats under the effect of gravity) and telepathy (transmission of thoughts between people) are also considered as occult sciences.


Occultism can be linked to philosophical systems and mysterious arts founded on secret systems. There are people who connect the occult with Satanism, black magic and secret societies like the Illuminati, even with Nazism that sometimes revealed interests in objects of arcane power.


Several authors reveal that the occult is present in animated designs, some from Disney, for example: the movie "Natty Gann's trip", she makes a trip to meet her father, during the trip, she establishes a relationship with a wolf acting as a friend, protector and guardian for the occult, wolves are creatures created by evil spirits. Also, a wolf is observed in the movie "The Jungle Book", in the Pocahontas movie, her grandmother dies and reincarnates in a tree that encourages her to listen to spirits and, of this genre, there are many more examples.


Likewise, in music, generally in rock, in hidden lyrics within the music and, in their video clips, they use occult symbology, of the Illuminati and Freemasons, for example: Lady Gaga, in the video clip of "Born this way", Observe the Masonic pyramid on at least 2 occasions.


Occultism in the Bible


According to the Bible, there is a supernatural conflict, it is present between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and, in relation to this, it is noteworthy that Catholicism rejects the practices of the occult, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament and, it can be seen in the New Testament that many who became believers in God burned their books in front of everyone.



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