During World War II (1939-1945), the German Nazis murdered almost six million European Jews. This genocide is known as "the Holocaust". The term, holocaust, comes from ancient Greek and means "to burn everything up." “Before World War II, the word was sometimes used to describe the death of a large group of people, but, since 1945, it has become almost synonymous with the murder of European Jews during World War II. This is why we use the term "the Holocaust," with a capital letter. The Jews also use the term: Shoah, which in Hebrew means 'catastrophe' ”. - Koen Smilde.
Seen in this way, the Holocaust is understood as the persecution and systematic, bureaucratically organized and sponsored by the German state, of more than six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Different reasons for the Holocaust can be mentioned. The most direct cause is that the Nazis wanted to eradicate the Jews and had the possibility to do so. Although his murderous spirit did not come out of nowhere. Nazi anti-Semitic ideology must be understood in the broader context of centuries of hostility towards Jews, racism, and contemporary European nationalism.
The Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933. They believed that the Germans were a “superior race”, that the Jews were “inferior” and that they represented a threat to the so-called German racial community.
321 AD - The Roman Emperor Constantine sends a decree to the magistrate of Cologne (German city) granting permission to the Jews to be called to the papal court. This is the oldest document confirming that the Jews had settled in the provinces of what is now known as Germany.
800 AD - Under the reign of Charlemagne, King of the Franks, Jews enjoyed the same economic rights as Christians, and any attempt to prevent Jews from practicing their religion was prohibited.
1096 AD - Thousands of Germanic Jews are killed, burned and drowned as a result of the looting carried out by the Crusaders as they pass through Eastern Europe.
AD 1348 - The plague wiped out more than a third of Europe's population, and for reasons of religious hatred, Jews were suspected of poisoning wells. Thousands of Jews were killed and those who survived were expelled from their communities. Towards the end of 1350, almost all of the German Jewish communities were destroyed.
AD 1933 - On January 30, 1933, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed psychopath Adolf Hitler Chancellor. The Nazi regime controlled by Hitler passed civil laws prohibiting Jews from holding positions in the public or civil service. They were forbidden even to be hired by the press or the radio. The Nazis encouraged the boycott of Jewish-run shops and businesses and began burning writings and publications of Jews, pacifists, communists, and other groups not approved by the Reich.
1934 AD Jews were disenfranchised from national health insurance. Hitler proclaimed himself the Führer or absolute leader of the German nation, immediately after the death of President Hindenburg. Ninety percent of German voters approved of Hitler's new powers.