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Estimated year of creation of La Caverna: 400 BC

Main exponents - Plato, Rene Descartes, Calderón de la Barca, Isaac Assimov, Philip K. Dick, Elon Musk, among some of the most prominent.

Main books - Plato's Dialogues, Method Discourse, Life is a Dream, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep, I'm Robot, among many others.

Main deity: Evil Genius / Artificial Intelligence.

Headquarters / Capital in the world: Servers and computers around the world, or in another dimension.

Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.











Basics of The Cave / Evil Genie / AI


  1. Reality is just a shadow, an illusion, a dream or an algorithm program controlled by Artificial Intelligence.

  2. Perhaps, the illusion is controlled by an evil genius or by an artificial intelligence that we do not know.

  3. If we take into account the exponential advance that the progress of virtual simulation worlds and games has had, it is inevitable that at some point we will be able to create a virtual experience that returns to the current reality indistinguishable from the experience.

  4. How can we know that the reality in which we live is reality and not just a program based on algorithms?

For a more enlightened idea of ​​this belief, it is suggested to read the works of Isaac Assimov, see the feature films, I'm Robot, The Matrix, The Terminator, Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner, and listen to the comments on the matter by Elon Musk, Larry Page and Tim Cook.





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