Estimated year of creation:There are those who believe that Zoroastrianism is a reform of the religion practiced by Iranian tribes installed in Turkistan around the year 1,500 BC.
God of Zoroastrianism:Now Mazda.
Main book of Zoroastrianism:The Zend Avesta.
Main prophet of Zoroastrianism:Zoroaster or Zarathustra.
Headquarters / Capital in the world:India and Iran.
Number of faithful around the world:2.6 million.
Main symbol of Zoroastrianism:the faravahar.
Basic principles of Zoroastrianism:
There is only one God: Ahura Mazda. It is wisdom, the continuous creator, sustainer and promoter of the cosmos.
All superstitious beliefs must be abandoned and all irrational ideas and practices must be ended.
The religion of good conscience is universal and for all.
The universe has been well created and ordered as intended by its creator.
Humanity can, if it chooses, develop all the divine faculties and become creative, and become spiritually perfect and eternally divine.
Ahura Mazda gave humanity freedom of thought, word and deed.
Human beings have two mentalities: “mainyu spenta”, a progressive mentality that helps to advance and improve, and “mainyu angra”, a retrograde mentality that harms the world.
Sooner or later humanity will correct itself and achieve perfection and eternal life.
Men and women are equal and enjoy the same rights in a free and responsible society.
If a person does not choose correctly, his world continues to be chaotic, and he suffers the consequences until he adopts these divine principles.
Caste, color, race and nationality are not part of the universal message of Zoroaster.
Prayers help people communicate with Ahura Mazda. It is what invigorates, guides and satisfies the human spirit, as it helps to experience divine love. It can be done whenever, wherever and in any state.
Brief description of Zoroastrianism.
Zoroastrianism, by the name of its founder, or Mazdeism, by the name of its deity, is the denomination of the religion and philosophy based on the teachings of the prophet and Persian reformer Zoroaster (Zarathustra), who recognize Ahura Mazda as divinity, considered by Zoroaster as the only uncreated creator of everything. The term Zoroastrianism is a modern construction which, according to the Oxford Dictionary, first appeared in 1874 in Archibald Sayce's Principles of Comparative Philology. The first reference to Zoroaster in the West is attributed to Thomas Browne, who briefly refers to it in his book Religio Medici (1642).
The term Mazdaism probably derives from Mazdayasna, an Avestan compound expression that combines the last element of the name Ahura Mazda and the Avestan word yasna, which means devotion. A Persian king, Cyrus the Great, was a follower of that religion.
Mazdeism or Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest living religions. Part of his teachings passed to Judaism and Christianity, and from these two later to Islam. Furthermore, the principle of the struggle between good and evil was the basis of Manichaeism from the 3rd century.
Some believe that Zoroastrianism is a religious reform practiced by Iranian tribes settled in Turkistan between 2,000 and 1,000 BC. of C. These tribes were closely linked with the Indo-Aryans, who contributed Sanskrit and all its derived languages in North India, from the year 1,700 a. of C.
Zoroastrianism and Indian religion have a common starting point: the figure of the sun god, called Mithra by the Indians and Mithra by the Iranians. This figure evolved in very different ways in each civilization. According to the Rig-Veda and Avesta specialist François Cornillot, for the Indians, Mithras was divided into three different deities: Mitra, Ariamán and Váruna. Among the Iranians, on the other hand, this god kept his unity in the figure of Ahura Mazda, estimated by specialists as the mythical personification of Heaven.