Estimated year of creation: 600 AD
God of Noahism: God.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Philippines.
Number of faithful around the world: 20,000
Main symbol of Noahism: The Rainbow.
Main books of Noahism: For Noahism, not only is the book of Genesis important, in which the life of Noah and his three sons, beings from which the human being comes, is important, but obviously another of the most important texts for religion are the Seven Precepts and the Torah.
Main prophets of Noahism: Noah.
Basic principles of Noahism:
Talking about the foundations and principles of the Noahide religion initially implies mentioning the Seven Precepts of the Nations on which the faith is based.
It is necessary to point out that, in addition to the Seven Precepts of the Nations, the Noájidas can incorporate other precepts that orient to the prohibition, which appear within the Mishneh Torah. However, those prescribed for the Jewish people are prohibited from being practiced, including the following:
Study of Shabbat as Jews do
See Jewish holidays like the Jews
Analyze sections of the Torah that do not apply to the Noahides in relation to God
Receive and / or write a Torah scroll
Write, perform or use elements such as Tefillin, used for Jewish prayers
Write and install at home a scroll containing parts of the Torah
The Seven Precepts of the Nations
Thus, the precepts are born, which constitute a list of commandments parallel to those established by the Torah in Judaism. These precepts are:
First Precept: No idolatry
In this first precept it is established in a prohibitive way:
Think about the possibility of a deity other than God, since He is unique and absolute
It is forbidden to make or send images for worship purposes
Make or propose idols for others to use
Make any type of sculpture for the purposes of idolatry or with any other intention
Take an oath to a false deity, as well as render adoration, offerings or any type of ritual of a religious nature with any idol figure
Worship any idol following common rites
Sacrificing or practicing activities or situations considered torture of children, such as putting them through fire
Any type of practice, relationship or consultation towards Ov and Idoni is prohibited
An idol cannot be resorted to in any form, even thought or action that departs from the notion of the one God of religion.
Second Precept: Do not blaspheme
Not recognizing the existence of the Eternal
Reverence for God
Prayers to God
Sanctification of the Holy Name of God
It is not possible to curse in the Holy Name of God under any circumstances
The study of the accepted parts of the Torah
Respect for the teachers of the religion of Noahism, as well as honor the sages who appear within the Torah
Third Precept: Do not steal
It is forbidden to steal in secret
It is forbidden to steal in an open and / or obvious way
Cannot be usurped
It is forbidden to lie and cheat
You can't overcharge
It is forbidden to refuse to pay any debt or what is owed
You cannot wish what is alien
Can't covet
The worker is allowed to consume the fruits of his labor in certain situations
The worker cannot take, for any reason, the fruits of his labor, since they must be consumed within the workplace
Fake measurements or weights cannot be used
Kidnapping is prohibited
Thieves must return, restore or pay for what has been stolen
It is forbidden to have or have false measurements or weights
Weights and measures must be exact
Fourth Precept: Do not murder
It is forbidden to murder anyone for any reason (it is important to clarify that religion makes a difference between executing or killing someone).
Fifth Precept: Do not practice illicit sexual relations
It is forbidden to copulate with the mother
It is forbidden to copulate with the father's wife
Copulation with brothers or sisters is prohibited
It is forbidden for a woman to copulate with an animal
It is forbidden for a man to copulate with an animal
It is forbidden to copulate with the wife of any other man
The practice of homosexual sexual relations between men is prohibited
The practice of sexual relations of a man with his father is prohibited
The practice of sexual relations with a brother of his father is prohibited
It is forbidden to expose yourself or participate in any situation that leads to prohibited sexual practice
Sixth Precept: Establishment of courts of justice
Assign officers and judges of justice, who must act in each of the communities
Litigants must be treated equally
Proper inquiry must be made regarding the testimony of witnesses
It is forbidden to act intentionally and maliciously with respect to any of the litigants
The judge is prohibited from receiving bribes, gifts or money from the litigants
It is forbidden for the judge to do any kind of honor to one of the litigants who are on trial
The judge is prohibited from acting or making decisions based on fear regarding one of the litigants in the trial
It is forbidden for the judge to act or make decisions based on compassion in order to favor a poor litigant in conditions
The judge is prohibited from discriminating against a litigant for being a sinner
It is forbidden for the judge to act based on weakness and therefore, unfair penalties are imposed
It is forbidden for the judge to carry out any discriminatory act against a foreigner, orphan or homeless person
The judge is prohibited from hearing statements from one litigant without the other being present
The appointment of a judge whose reputation is under the ignorance of the laws is prohibited
It is not possible to incriminate with circumstantial evidence
Any punishment for crimes committed under duress is prohibited
Capital punishment can only be carried out or ruled by the court
It is forbidden for the law to take revenge or actions at its own hand
It is forbidden to profess false testimony
Testimony in court is prohibited
Seventh Precept: Do not consume parts of a live animal
It is forbidden to consume parts of an animal that is still alive It is forbidden to consume parts of an animal that has been killed by another animal Likewise, there are another series of foundations on which religion is constituted for its believers, these are:
Equal women and men: the vision of Noahism does not distinguish or superimpose man over woman or woman over man, so both are in an equitable and egalitarian state where both are necessary and important.
Age of religious responsibility: for this religion, human beings reach an age in which responsibility is implanted with respect to the Seven Precepts or Laws applied to the children of Noah. For men this age is reached at the age of 13, while for women it reaches 12 years of age.
Crossing of species: followers of Noahism are allowed to carry out crossbreeding of species, a process that is equally applied to both the crossing of animals, as well as the crossing of plants.
Use of Shaantnez: it is a type of fabric that is made with wool and linen, which can be used by the Noahids.
Cultivation: within the agricultural practice, followers are allowed to carry out different crops and plantings of seeds within the same space.
Short description of Noahism.
There is an idea that Noahism consists of accepting the seven precepts of Noah (Noah). However, this is an incomplete definition. A more complete definition would be: "The Noahides are non-Jews who want to correctly observe the precepts that God gave, according to what is taught through the Jewish tradition."
First of all, the Noahides recognize Judaism, Jewish religion and tradition in its entirety including acceptance of the oral and written Torah, the Talmud and its commentaries, the Jewish religious system. The Noahids fulfill the 7 precepts of Noah since they were delivered by God through Moshe (Maimonides, in his book Mishne Torah explains that although the 7 precepts could be fulfilled instinctively since they are natural actions to man, He is only called Righteous among the nations who fulfills them by having been ordained through Moshe). Whoever fulfills the 7 precepts because he understands that they are important actions for man, but without assigning them to an obligation given by God to man through Moshe, is called “Wise among the nations”. Thus, when a Noahide observes the seven precepts of Noah, he does so out of a recognition of Judaism and its integrity with the written and oral Torah.
There are differences of opinion within Judaism about the details included in the Noahide religious system. Some believe that the seven precepts are the most that nations can or must comply with. The position that Brit Olam supports, according to the teachings of Rabbi Uri Sherki, holds that the seven precepts are the minimum that God expects of all people. Every non-Jew who identifies himself as Noahida can take upon himself other precepts of the Torah. (Source: Maimonides, HIlchot Melajim, chapter 10).