Year of creation:1981 AD
With archaeological records in Mesopotamia, India and Asia from about 6,000 years ago, but with possible antiquity of about 28,000 years.
God or Prophet:None.
Main books:
Main movements:Stonewall, England.
Headquarters / Capital in the world:San francisco California.
Top LGBTQIA+ rights fighters and other resources:
Number of followers around the world:more than 750 million.
Main symbol:Various symbols represent it, although it is mainly identified with the rainbow flag:

Brief description of LGBTQIA +
LGBTQIA + is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioned, intersex, asexual, and "more." These terms are used to describe a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. See below for a more detailed definition of each term, from the Reference Guide or glossary at:
Many people in the queer community have different ways of referring to themselves. Some of us use the term "queer" or "LGBT" and the initials "LGBTQIA +". There is a long history surrounding the terms we use, and it is crucial to know the meaning of each letter so that it includes the many identities that build and define community. "LGBT" stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. This has evolved from the term "gay community", which was used in the 1950s and 1960s before the term GL, B emerged to also include lesbian and bisexual people, who felt that "gay" did not include other identities. “In the late 1990s, activist organizations began using LGBT or GLBT, including the T for transgender and transgender people, although it was debated because some believed that the GLB community should restrict itself to sexual identity and not include identity. However, the T is here to stay, as it should be, as trans activists have long been at the forefront of the community's struggle for rights and acceptance. For example, trans women activists of color like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera were instrumental in the Stonewall riots, which have been called the genesis of the LGBTQ community we know today. Additions to LGBT initialism are Q (which means "queer" and, in some cases, "question"), I (which means intersex people), and A (asexual).
GLAAD and other leading journalism guides have established the acronym LGBTQ as a common practice to refer to the community. However, it is important to listen to community members and how they identify; While "queer" may be a good blanket term for some, others dislike the word due to its history as a derogatory insult against LGBTQ people.
Our advice is, of course, to call people what they asked to be called, but when you need a universal term and are outside the community, stick with LGBTQ until someone asks otherwise. ”
By Megan Lasher
LGBPTTQQIIAA + (Alphabet Soup):
Whatever letter combination that attempts to represent all identities in the queer community, this almost exhaustive (but not exhaustive) represents Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Transgender, Queer, Questioner, Intersex, Intergender, Asexual, Ally. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ
Ally: Someone who defends and supports members of a community other than their own. Reaching the differences to achieve mutual goals. A person who may not share LGBTQ sexual orientation or gender identity, but who supports and honors sexual and gender diversity and challenges homophobic, transphobic, and heterosexual comments, behaviors, institutions, and systems. Androgyny: A gender expression that has elements of both masculinity and femininity. Asexual: Someone who does not experience sexual attraction to other people and who identifies as asexual. You may still have romantic, emotional, affective, or relational attractions toward other people. Assigned gender: a decision made at birth (or before birth) about the gender of a baby based on visible genitalia.
Biphobia: Fear, hatred, or discomfort with people who are bisexual. Fear of bisexuals, often based on stereotypes, including inaccurate associations with infidelity, promiscuity, and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Bigotry or prejudice is usually a more accurate description of antipathy towards bisexual people. Bisexual: a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical and / or spiritual attraction towards people of their own gender, as well as of another gender. Bisexual erasure: Bisexual erasure or bisexual invisibility is the tendency to ignore, delete, falsify, or re-explain the evidence of bisexuality in history, academia, the media, and other primary sources. In its most extreme form, bisexual erasure can include denying that bisexuality exists. It is often a manifestation of biphobia, although it does not necessarily imply overt antagonism. Butch: A person, generally identified as female, who identifies herself as having masculine gender characteristics and / or appearance, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Most often claimed as an affirmative identity label among lesbian women and non-gender-conforming persons designated as female at birth.
Cisgender: A person whose gender identity is aligned with the gender / sex assigned to them at birth; 2) A non-trans * person. Cissexism: Cissexism is the positioning of cis identities as better or more real than trans identities. Cis does not refer strictly to gender performance, but to gender identity. Cissupremacy: Cissupremacy refers to the system of oppressing trans people and privileging cisgender people; Cis seen as superior to after. Dating: The process of recognizing and revealing one's sexual orientation or gender identity to others; it is often incorrectly thought of as a one-time event, this is a life-long process and is sometimes daily; not to be confused with "exit". Transvestite: A person who wears clothing opposite to their gender for comfort, pleasure, or fun. It has no sexual orientation implications. It has replaced the term "transvestite".
Discrimination: The different and unfair treatment of certain groups of people based on specific characteristics, such as race, religion, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. Dragging: The act of dressing in gender clothing and adopting gender behaviors as part of a performance, most often clothing and behaviors that are generally not associated with your gender identity. Drag Queens represents femininity in a theatrical way. Drag Kings interpret masculinity theatrically. The drag can be performed as a political commentary on the genre, as a parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sexual identity. Drag King: A person who consciously realizes "masculinity", generally on a show or theater stage, presenting an exaggerated form of masculine expression, often performed by a woman; often confused with "transsexual" or "transvestite". The drag can be performed as a political commentary on the genre, as a parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sexual identity. Drag Queen: A person who consciously realizes "femininity", generally in a show or theater, presenting an exaggerated form of feminine expression, often performed by a man; often confused with "transsexual" or "transvestite". The drag can be performed as a political commentary on the genre, as a parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sexual identity.
Female, Female: A person with a specific set of sexual anatomy (eg, 46, XX Phenotype, vagina, ovaries, uterus, breasts, higher estrogen levels, fine body hair) according to this label. Femininity / Feminine: Femininity is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with girls and women. Femininity is often perceived as a social construct, consisting of both socially defined and biologically created factors. This distinguishes it from the definition of the biological female sex, as both men and women can exhibit feminine traits. Woman: Person who expresses and / or identifies with femininity; 2) A community label for people who identify with femininity specifically through a queer context 3) A person identified as feminine of any gender / sex. Fluency / Fluency: A gender identity in which a person identifies as 1) neither or both male and female; 2) Experience a variety of femininity and masculinity, with a denoted movement or flow between genders; 3) You constantly experience your gender identity outside of the gender binary. FTM: Term for a transgender person who was assigned a female at birth and currently identifies as male ("Female to male").
Gay: Term used to describe a man who is attracted to men, but is often used and accepted by women to describe their same-sex relationships. Gender: A socially constructed classification system that attributes qualities of masculinity and femininity to people. Gender characteristics can change over time and are different between cultures. Gender Affirmation Surgery: Surgical procedures that alter or change physical sexual characteristics to better express a person's gender identity. It may include breast removal, breast augmentation, or alteration or reconstruction of the genitals. It is also called Gender Confirmation Surgery or Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS). Preferred term for "sex change surgery". Gender binary: The idea that there are only two genders (M / male and F / female) and is based on physical anatomy at birth. Along with this comes the idea that people must strictly adhere to culturally acceptable behavior for men / boys and women / girls. For example, men / boys should exhibit a male gender presentation, behaviors and social roles and women / girls should exhibit a female gender presentation, behaviors and social roles. Gender dysphoria: Description of the emotional or mental dissonance between the desired concept of your body and what your body really is, especially in reference to the parts / characteristics of the body that do not align or promote one's gender identity; 2) A term used in psychiatry to refer to the incongruity between an individual's designated birth sex and their gender identity, with marked dissociation from the physical body. Gender expression: The external display of gender, through a combination of dress, behavior, social behavior, and other factors, generally measured on a scale of masculinity and femininity. Gender expression can change over time and from day to day, and it may or may not conform to a person's gender identity. Gender identity: An individual's internal sense of being male, female, both, neither, or something else. Since gender identity is internal, one's gender identity is not necessarily visible to others. Gender neutral / gender inclusive: Used to denote a space, language, etc. unisex or inclusive for all genders. Eg A gender neutral bathroom is a bathroom open to people of any gender identity and expression. Genderqueer: A person whose gender identity is neither male nor female, is between or beyond genders, or is a combination of genders. Some gender queer people identify under the transgender umbrella, while others do not. Gender role: Societies commonly have rules about how men and women should behave, expecting people to have personality characteristics and / or act in a certain way based on their biological sex. Gender roles are attributed to social expectations of how an individual should often look or behave based on the sex / gender assigned at birth. Gender / gender non-conforming variant: People whose gender identity and / or expressions are different from social norms; 2) Broad term used to describe or denote people who are outside or beyond the culturally expected or required identities or expressions.
Heteroflexible: A person who is predominantly heterosexual, but not exclusively heterosexual. Heteronormativity: Heteronormativity is the belief that people belong to different and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life. It states that heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation or the only norm, and it states that sexual and marital relationships are the most (or the only) appropriate between people of the opposite sex. Consequently, a "heteronormative" view is one that involves the alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles. Heteronormativity is often related to heterosexism and homophobia. Heterosexism: Behavior that accords preferential treatment to heterosexual people, reinforces the idea that heterosexuality is somehow better or more "correct" than queer, or ignores / does not address queer as existing Heterosexual: A medical definition for a person who is attracted to someone of another gender (or, literally, biological sex) than they have; often referred to as "direct" Homoflexible: A person who is predominantly, but not exclusively, homosexual. Homophobia: Fear, discomfort, anger, resentment, hostility, etc. towards lesbian, gay and / or bisexual people, often expressed as discrimination, harassment and violence against anyone who does not act within the sociocultural norms of heterosexuality. Homosexual: A medical definition for a person who is attracted to someone with the same gender (or, literally, biological sex) that they have, this is considered an offensive / stigmatizing term by many members of the queer community; often used incorrectly in place of "lesbian" or "gay" Hormones / Hormone Therapy: Administration of hormones to affect the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Transgender people who decide to make a medical transition can use hormone therapy as part of that transition. I Institutional oppression: An arrangement of a society used to benefit one group at the expense of another through the use of language, media education, religion, economics, etc. Internalized Oppression: The process by which an oppressed person comes to believe, accept, or live inaccurate stereotypes and misinformation about their group. Intersectionality: Intersectionality (or intersectionality) is the study of the intersections between forms or systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. An example is black feminism, which argues that the experience of being a black woman cannot be understood in terms of being black, and of being a woman, considered independently, but must include interactions, which often reinforce each other. Intersex: a health condition, often present at birth, that involves anatomy or physiology that differs from the social expectations of men and women. Intersex conditions can affect genitalia, chromosomes, and / or other body structures. Intersex conditions are sometimes called "disorders of sex development." It should not be assumed that people with intersex conditions are transgender.
A woman whose primary sexual, emotional, and romantic orientation is toward people of the same gender; A woman who is attracted to women.
Lesbian feminism:
Lesbian feminism, a subset of feminism that emerged in the mid to late 20th century with the convergence of the women's movement, the gay rights movement, and the sexual revolution. Lesbian feminists consider same-sex relationships to be legitimate and use their lesbian identity as the basis for community building and collective action. Lesbian feminism challenges the perception of heterosexuality and male supremacy as "normal" and presents alternative ways of thinking about gender and power.
Lesbophobia comprises various forms of negativity towards lesbians as individuals, as couples, or as a social group. Based on the categories of sex, gender, sexual orientation, lesbian identity, and gender expression, this negativity encompasses prejudice, discrimination, and abuse, as well as attitudes and feelings that range from disdain to hostility. As such, lesbophobia is sexism against women that intersects with homophobia.
A person with a specific set of sexual anatomy (eg, 46, XY phenotype, penis, testis, higher testosterone levels, thick body hair, facial hair) according to this label.
Male / Child:
A man is a masculine human being. The term male is generally reserved for an adult male, the term boy being the usual term for a male child or adolescent. "Male" can also refer to a person's gender identity rather than their sex.
Excluded, ignored or relegated to the outer edge of a group / society / community.
Masculinity / Masculine:
Masculinity (also called boyhood, manliness or manhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors and roles generally associated with boys and men. It is a combination of socially-defined and biological factors, distinct from the definition of the male anatomical sex. Both men and women can exhibit masculine traits and behavior.
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Hate or dislike for women and girls. Misogyny can manifest itself in many ways, including sexual discrimination, disparagement of women, violence against women, and the sexual objectification of women.
Term for a transgender person who was assigned a man at birth and currently identifies as female ("male to female").
It describes a gender identity that is neither feminine nor masculine; 2) Gender identities that are outside or beyond two traditional concepts of man or woman.
The systematic subjugation of one group of people by another group.
with access to social power, the result of which benefits one group over the other
and it is maintained through social beliefs and practices.
Exposing a person's sexual orientation as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender to other people, without their permission; in essence, "take them out" (not to be confused with "coming out of the closet"). Dating someone can have serious employment, financial, security or religious repercussions in some situations.
A person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and / or spiritual attraction to members of all gender identities / expressions.
Neutral gender term for a couple; It is used often in the LGBTQ community. GLBT people may also use "girlfriend / boyfriend", "lover", "roommate", "life partner", "wife / husband" or other terms when referring to their partners.
Patriarchy / Male Supremacy:
Patriarchy is a social system in which men have primary power, predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property; In the realm of the family, fathers or father figures have authority over women and children.
Preferred Gender Pronoun (PGP):
A preferred gender pronoun, or PGP, is simply the pronoun or set of pronouns that an individual would like others to use when talking to or about him. In English, the singular pronouns we use most frequently are: I, you, she, her, he, he, and it. "I", "you" and "that" are what we call "gender neutral" or "all gender", but "she", "she", "he" and "he" have gender. This can create a problem for transgender and gender non-conforming people, because others may not use their preferred pronouns when speaking to or about them.
Prejudice / Bias:
Harm; an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes with fair judgment
A person identified as trans who has not undergone gender reaffirmation / sexual reassignment surgery; implies that the person intends to undergo such surgical procedures
A person identified as trans who has received a Gender Affirmation Surgery / Sex Reassignment Surgery.
Abbreviation for Queer & Trans People of Color and Queer & Trans Women of Color. These terms are rooted in the concept of intersectionality, which focuses on the intersections and interactions between various forms and systems of oppression, including: racism, classism, heterosexism, patriarchy, religious oppression, etc. A QTPOC framework is attuned to the lives, challenges, and needs of people experiencing these compound and / or intertwined oppressions.
A general term to refer to all LGBTIQ people; Also a political statement, as well as a sexual orientation, that advocates breaking binary thinking and seeing both sexual orientation and gender identity as potentially fluid.
A person is in the process of questioning or analyzing their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Secondary characteristics of sex:
Secondary sexual characteristics are traits that appear at sexual maturity and during puberty in humans, distinguishing the two sexes of a species (male and female), but which, unlike the sexual organs, are not directly part of the system. reproductive. This could include: facial and body hair growth, Adam's apple / deeper voice, distribution of body fat, breasts, widening of the hips, etc.
Medical term that designates a certain combination of gonads, chromosomes, external gender organs, secondary sexual characteristics and hormonal balances. Common terms are "male," female, and "intersex."
The set of cultural, institutional and individual beliefs and practices that privilege men, subordinate women and denigrate the values and practices associated with women.
The complex range of components that make us sexual beings; it includes emotional, physical and sexual aspects, as well as self-identification (including sexual orientation and gender), preferences and behavior practices, fantasies and feelings of affection and emotional affinity.
Sexual orientation:
The direction of one's own sexual, romantic, physical and / or spiritual attraction. It is on a continuum and not in a set of absolute categories. Sexual orientation evolves through a multi-stage developmental process and can change over time. Asexuality is also a sexual orientation; it is often mistakenly called "sexual preference"
Social justice:
It includes a vision of a society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure.
Social power:
Access to resources that improve the chances of obtaining what one needs or influencing others to lead a safe, productive and satisfying life.
See heterosexual
Third gender or transvestites:
A person who does not identify with the traditional genders of "man" or "woman", but identifies with another gender; the gender category available in societies that recognize three or more genders; For example, Native Americans of two spirits, hijira in India, kathoeys in Thailand, and transvestites in Brazil.
Transfeminism is primarily a movement of and for trans women who see their liberation intrinsically linked to the liberation of all women and beyond. It is also open to other queers, intersex people, trans men, non-trans women, non-trans men, and others who are sympathetic to the needs of trans women and see their alliance with trans women as essential to their own liberation.
A term for people whose gender identity is different from their assigned sex at birth.
The social, psychological or medical process of transition from one gender to another. Gender transition is an individualized process and does not involve the same steps for everyone. Transition may include informing one's social support network; legally change one's name or gender; Therapeutic treatment with hormones; and possibly, although not in all cases, surgery.
Trans man:
A transgender individual who identifies as male (see also FTM).
Transmisogyny is the intersection of transphobia and misogyny. It can be expressed through negative attitudes, expressed through cultural hatred, individual and state violence, and discrimination directed towards trans women and trans and gender non-conforming people on the female end of the gender spectrum.
The fear, hatred, or discomfort of transgender or other gender-variant people, often expressed as discrimination, harassment, and violence.
A person whose gender identity is different from their designated sex at birth and has taken physical transition steps to make their body congruent with both their gender identity and the conventional concept of sexually male and female bodies.
Trans woman:
A transgender person who identifies as a woman (see also MTF).
Two spirits:
Contemporary term chosen to describe First Nations Native Americans and Canadians who identify with a third gender, implying a male and female spirit in one body. Clothing is usually a mix of male and female items and is seen as a separate or third gender gender having distinct gender, social and spiritual roles in their tribes.
W Wowen, Woman / Girl: A woman is a human woman. The term female is generally reserved for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a girl or adolescent. "Woman" can also refer to a person's gender identity rather than their sex.
When I came out as gay more than 10 years ago, there were only four letters in common use to group various sexual and gender minorities: L, G, B and T. These letters were an evolution towards inclusion, an expansion of language used to represent a disparate group often just called "the gay community". Despite his intention, the letters turned out to be limited. Times and attitudes have changed, and the language used to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity has also changed. As a result, the established LGBT abbreviation has acquired a few extra letters and a set of auxiliary terminology around sexuality and gender. Not everyone has adopted them. Take, for example, the addition of "Q" that became increasingly popular as the 20th century turned into the 21st. Some insisted that this means "questioning," representing people who were unsure of their sexual orientations or gender identities. Others stated that it was for "queer," a blanket term that has shed its derogatory origins and is gaining acceptance. Now there is me too, for intersexuality; A, for ally (or asexual, depending on who you're talking to); and often a plus sign meant to cover anyone else not listed: LGBTQIA +.
However, this is only the beginning. In the year since The New York Times first published this article in the summer of 2018, the language used to describe the spectra of gender and sexuality has grown, and the new terms have become more prominent. As World Pride, the annual celebration of LGBTQIA + identity, arrives in New York City for the month of June, The Times asks readers to share how they identify. We have updated this list to reflect more common themes among the responses. What follows is an inclusive vocabulary list by no means.
GAY AND LESBIAN. It is important to start with the basics, and "gay" and "lesbian" are as basic as possible. As "homosexual" began to feel clinical and pejorative, gay became the main de rigueur term for same-sex attraction in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Gradually, tailored As what was then called the gay liberation movement was gaining traction, the phrase "gays and lesbians" became more popular as a way of highlighting the similar but separate problems faced by women in the struggle for tolerance.
Gay is still sometimes used as a blanket term, but these days, it also refers specifically to men, as in "gay men and lesbians."
BISEXUAL. Someone who is attracted to people of their gender or other gender identities. It is not a way station from straight to gay, as it had once been described.
Stereotypes around bisexuality, which is a transitional stage or a cover for promiscuity, have been at the center of tense conversation within LGBTQ circles for years. The musical television show "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend", which features a bisexual male character, had a full song refuting this.
As advocates speak more about what they see as "bisexual erasure," the persistent questioning or denial of bisexual identity, the term has resurfaced. But some people also argue that the prefix "bi" reinforces a male / female gender binary that is not inclusive enough.
PANSEXUAL. Someone who is attracted to people of all gender identities. Or someone who is attracted to the qualities of a person regardless of their gender identity. (The prefix "pan" means "everyone", rejecting the gender binary which, according to some, is implicit in "bisexual"). Once just another niche term used by academics, pansexual has entered the mainstream, fueled in part by celebrities giving it visibility. Singer Miley Cyrus identified as pansexual in 2015. In April, after singer Janelle Monàe came out as pansexual in a 'Rolling Stone' article, searches for the word on the Merriam-Webster website jumped by eleven. one thousand percent, according to the dictionary.
ASEXUAL OR "as". Someone who experiences little or no sexual attraction. They should not be confused with "aromatic people", who experience little or no romantic attraction. Asexual people don't always identify as aromatic; aromatic people do not always identify as asexual. More generally, some people (asexual or not) identify with a different romantic orientation than their sexual orientation. The terminology is similar: homoromantic, heteroromantic, biromantic, etc.
DEMISEXUAL. Someone who generally does not experience sexual attraction unless they have formed a strong emotional, but not necessarily romantic, connection with someone.
GRAYSEXUAL. Someone who occasionally experiences sexual attraction but generally does not; it covers a kind of gray space between asexuality and sexual identity.
CISGENERO. Someone whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
TRANSGENDER. A wide-ranging term for people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the biological sex assigned to them at birth.
TRANS * OR TRANS + Two general terms for identities that are not cisgender.
NON-CONFORMING OF GENDER, OR GNC One that expresses gender outside the traditional norms associated with masculinity or femininity. Not all people who do not conform to gender are transgender, and some transgender people express gender in conventionally male or female ways.
NOT BINARY. A person who does not identify as a man or a woman and sees himself outside the gender binary. This is sometimes abbreviated to NB or enby. One notable example: Taylor Mason, a financial analyst for the show "Billions," believed to be the first non-binary gender character on television and is played by non-binary actress Asia Kate Dillon.
GENDERQUEER. Another term used to describe someone whose gender identity is outside the strict male / female binary. They can exhibit both traditionally masculine and feminine qualities or none at all.
GENDER FLUID. Term used by people whose identity changes or fluctuates. Sometimes these individuals can identify with, express themselves or feel sexually attracted to masculine people on some days and more feminine on others, or simply flow in between.
GENDER-NEUTRAL. Someone who prefers not to be described by a specific gender, but prefers "they" as a singular pronoun (the American Dialect Society's 2015 Word of the Year) or the honorific "Mx.", A substitute for "Mr." or "Mrs." which entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 2015.
INTERSEX. A term for someone who was born with biological sexual characteristics that are not traditionally associated with male or female bodies. Intersex is not about sexual orientation or gender identity.
+ It is no longer just a mathematical symbol, but a denotation of everything on the spectrum of gender and sexuality that letters and words do not yet describe.
Adapted from the original text by Michael Gold, and Caroline Cox-Orrell. June 7, 2019. Reference:
Reference websites: