Estimated year of creation: Year 8000 BC
God or Prophet of Satanism: Satan.
Main books of Satanism: The Black Bible.
Main contemporary prophet of Satanism: Anton Szandor LaVey.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Unknown.
Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.
Main symbol of Satanism: The Inverted Pentagram.
Basic principles of Satanism:
The practice or cult of Satanism is based on two possibilities in the follower, on the one hand there is the Satanist who believes in the existence of the Fallen Angel, the Beast, the Devil, the Demon, Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub Yavhé, Baphomet, so who performs practices and rituals in his honor, while there is the Satanist who considers that the Devil does not exist and that this relationship with him is only possible in his way of trying to understand his own existence, so he rejects the practice of venerations and adorations to another being.
Even when the Satanist can be of two forms, in practice, a series of ideas appear that coincide in a fundamental principle that is the presence of evil, darkness and misery. In this sense, the presence of evil for Satanists is the living sample of the existence of the Devil, and their task is to continue it.
From the 11 commandments of the satanic religion , which we are going to see below, we can deduce the main prohibitions:
Don't give your opinion unless they ask for it.
Don't share your problems unless others want to hear them.
Always respect the environment that is not yours.
If you are annoyed by a guest in your home, you are free to treat them cruelly.
Don't make any sexual advances unless they give you a cue to do so.
Never take what is not yours, unless it is a burden that serves to free someone else.
If you have used magic in a ritual, and have been successful with it, acknowledge its power. Otherwise, you will lose everything you have achieved.
You should not worry about what is not related to you.
Never hurt a small child.
So you will kill animals to survive.
If someone is bothering you, you should ask them to stop… if they don't, you can destroy them.
Through these commandments we can know the prohibitions of the satanic cult.
Short description of Satanism.
In addition to finding its origins on a par with Jewish beliefs and appearing frequently within the tradition as one of the most important cults in the world, even approaching the great monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Islam and Christianity; Satanism is described as a movement that gives a more or less structured form to a series of practices in which Satan is worshiped, the being that is considered by the followers of this movement, as a being or a type of force that is innate of the human being, often also referred to as Demon or Devil.
Satan appears within the Bible as an adversary to God, an angel created by Him who tries to manipulate human beings and who reveals himself against his creator by disobeying his orders. God, the creator, expels him from paradise, cuts off his wings and condemns him to live in eternal suffering in hell.
Satanism has a series of beliefs in which several symbols are also shared, essentially including admiration or veneration for Satan. At present, various satanic groups have developed, especially after the 1960s, they are relevant trends within the movement, but, in general, they have been disbanded by the government and the police, or tragically ended with group suicides.
It is important to note that Satan is not always understood as an external entity that is worshiped, since in many cases it is usually within the interior of each human being.