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Estimated year of creation: 1850.

Maximum exponent of spiritism: Allan Kardec.

Main deity of spiritism: God.

Headquarters / Capital in the world: Cuba.

Number of faithful around the world: From 10 to 20 million.










Main symbol of spiritism:


Although, although Spiritism is characterized by dispensing with the use of symbols justifying that everything unnecessary should be put aside (adding the use of symbols), there is an element with which this practice is usually associated, it is the branch of the vine or strain. It is an image that would be introduced by its founder, Allan Kardec in his research process drawn by the spirits in the form of a manifestation.


Likewise, the branch of the vine is mentioned in a part of the Book of Spirits, referring to the fact that the body is the strain. In this sense, each part of this figure represents something in particular: Branch symbolizes the organ, Sap the spirit, and Berry of the grape represents the soul.


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Main books of spiritism: The Book of Spirits.


Published on April 18, 1857, it is The Book of Spirits written by Allan Kardec, the fundamental work on which the Spiritism movement is based since its inception, since a great variety of its own principles and processes meet there of this practice that has come to be considered a doctrine.


The Book of Spirits is made up of four books that contain:


First book: The First Causes

Second book: on the Spirit World or of the Spirits

Third book: set of the Moral Laws

Fourth book: Hopes and Consolations


In the book it is possible to find studies on the immortality of the soul in each human body, as well as the relationship of spirits with the living, moral laws, the future and life itself towards this concept. A work that brings together the manifestations of Spiritism, as well as the practice of mediums, thus configuring a process of analysis between the material world and the spiritual world.


Basic principles of spiritism:


According to its founder, Allan Kardec, Spiritism maintains that to believe it is necessary, first, to understand. However, understanding involves a judgment process in which you study the why of each situation or aspect.


Among the central beliefs on which Spiritism is based, are the following:


  • It is possible to establish communication with the spirits of the deceased.

  • In Spiritism reincarnation is possible.

  • There is the plurality of worlds that are inhabited.


Thus, the doctrine establishes the following points:


God: the concept of the existence of God is not the one that the Bible expresses, but it is adopted as a type of cosmic intelligence to which the creation of the Universe is attributed. However, God is made up of all men, he is not someone in particular, but a set, a gathered whole.

Likewise, the idea that Jesus is the savior vanishes, as in the case of Christianity, since the idea of ​​hell does not exist, therefore, Jesus is not salvation and his resurrection was strictly spiritual.

Soul or spirit: for Spiritism, the body is covered by the perispirit, which refers to “around the spirit”. Therefore, the memory that represents the identity of a person after death is maintained.

There are seven spheres that evil spirits go through where they suffer pain and suffering, which are purified as they repent, which will allow them to go to the spheres of the upper zone where they can be in harmony.

Sin: salvation is about a ransom that concerns the individual. Each fact is the result of a previous action and this is how a final product is obtained. There is no idea of ​​a heaven for the saved and a hell for the sinner. On the contrary, it speaks of a special salvation in which the spiritual develops from good works or actions.

Reincarnation: souls are considered to have the ability to progressively reincarnate from the works carried out in the previous life, since what is really valuable is what is achieved from their actions, and not from grace and salvation provided by a deity. That is to say, in the successive evolution for the improvement of the works in each life it is possible to find perfection.

Bible: this book is conceived under the idea that it is not about the word of God, but rather that the learnings of Jesus are found in the gospel from the Essenes, a sect of Jewish origin.




Short description of spiritism.


Spiritism is a doctrine that originated in France in the mid-nineteenth century, whose greatest exponent has been Allan Kardec (1804-1869). This doctrine establishes that spirit beings without a material body can come into contact with human beings. Kardec defines spiritism as the science that studies the nature, origin and destiny of spirits as well as their relationship with the corporeal world as a philosophy (because it studies the moral consequences that result from those relationships) and as a religion. Spiritist concepts or doctrines have followers in various countries around the world, including Germany, Argentina, Brazil (the country with the largest number of spiritists), Colombia, Cuba, Spain, the United States, France, Haiti, Japan, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Venezuela.


The Spiritist practice or Spiritism, refers to a doctrine that is based on establishing communication with the spirit of a deceased person using a medium. Spiritism supports the existence of spirits as something immortal and incarnated within a physical body. The medium is a person who is attributed paranormal abilities, which allow him to take the position of mediator to establish communication with entities and people.


Spiritism has been a source of debate, as many connoisseurs have mentioned that it is not properly a religion, but a type of popular culture that brings together a series of practices and rituals, so that to this day there are many opinions that they differ about how it should be viewed.


Currently it is estimated that there are about 20 million followers of Spiritism and that they are located in several countries where its practices have spread, including in the American continent: Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia, Panama, Puerto Rico, the United States and Peru, as well as countries from other continents, such as: Germany, Spain, France, Japan, Haiti, Portugal and the United Kingdom.





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