Estimated year of creation: 2012.
Creator of kopimism: Isak Gerson, in Sweden.
Main books of kopimism: It does not exist.
Main prophet of kopimism: Created in Sweden, on the web, by 19-year-old Isak Gerson.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: In this religion, sacred places are called "interaction points" . They are spaces that must remain free from any type of monitoring or any anti-Kopimist action. They are identified because in them there is a representation of the Sacred Kopimi Pyramid. In this way, an op places the Kopimi Pyramid and mentions the following sentence: “I hereby declare this place as a point of local interaction. They are all called to copy and spread ”.
Number of faithful around the world: Unknown.
Main symbol of kopimism:
In this religion two central symbols are used:
Kopimi Pyramid: it is one of the most used symbols, the pyramid has the letter K in the middle of it or the letter C, depending on the tradition in which the cult is carried out. This symbol, also known as the Sacred Kopimi Pyramid, is used in the head of the documents in the media in which they are connected, however, it is possible to use it easily by the believers in order to represent, copy and spread it as they like.
The second symbol of this religion is influenced by the figure of the Yin Yang, where instead of the points that invade the other area, there are the following keyboard commands: "Ctrl-C" and "Ctrl-V" . These two signs would be sacred representations, a fact that was certified by the government authorities, as well as its followers consider it necessary to change files through the P2P system, since it authorizes the change of information immediately from any configuration between the organizers that are connected.
Basic principles of kopimism:
Isak Gerson has stated that, “for the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament. Information contains a value, in itself and in what it contains, and the value is multiplied by copying ”(Baraniuk 2012). Kopimism, therefore, does not incorporate a creative deity; rather, information itself is attributed a sacred state and copying is the essential process in the reproduction of all life forms. As the church's website (United Church of Kopimism nd) conveys this idea: “The Church of Kopimism makes no claims regarding gods or supernatural forces. Life as we know it originated with the ability of the DNA molecule to duplicate itself, independent of the original creation of the Universe. The process is the most basic element of life, nature and DNA is really a carrier of information, a result of molecular segments that determine who we become. Reproduction is the very condition for cell division and life as we know it. "Gerson states that" We see the world as built on copies ... We often speak of originality; We do not believe there is such a thing. This is certainly the case with life: most parts of the world, from DNA to manufacturing, are built by copying ”(Romig 2012). Kopimism does not profess existence in the afterlife either. Gerson asserts that, "as a religion, we are not that human-centered" (George 2012). Rather, as AdVatar (2012) put it, by copying information one can "sow faith with others, so that we can all transcend mortality through exponential copying and preservation of information, our most sacred expression of life. humanity "(United Church of Kopimism nd)
For the kopimists, the idea of a separate individuality is also outdated. According to journalist Chris Baraniuk, “For the kopimist, the value of individuality is no longer relevant. Instead, the kopimists seek to direct humanity toward a type of cybernetic spirituality, in which the hive mind assimilates and remixes the very idea of an isolated being or soul ”(Baraniuk 2012). Furthermore, in Baraniuk's estimate, "There is a supreme simplicity about kopimism that will frustrate any theologian who attempts to investigate his belief system, as well as a number of curious contradictions." The central contradiction is Gerson's insistence that religion is not focused on humans hence the movement appears to be "a spiritual experience not necessarily found within the psyche" (Baraniuk 2012).
The basic precepts, called axioms, on which the Church of Kopimism is based are the following:
The copy of information is ethically correct.
The dissemination of information is ethically correct.
Copy mixing is a sacred type of copying, rather than the perfect digital copy, because it expands and augments the wealth of existing information.
Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and kopimistic faith.
The internet is holy.
The code is the law.
Short description of kopimism.
Kopimism is a religion, of free information and of Swedish origin that arose from the internet and the networks. They seek freedom of expression, they exchange information about something that seems to them to be the best and most beautiful thing that exists. They may copy and share someone's information that they have found good and in that way they show affection and admiration.
The name of the religion originates from the word "kopimi", which comes from the English "copy me" which means "copy it" in Spanish, this was used as protection against copyright owners who denounced them for theft. Isak Gerson was the founder at the age of 19 of the Church of Kopiameísmo, later the church was named as a religion in Sweden. They could also realize at that time that it was a missionary religion, for this reason they suggested changing its doctrine so that it could have more expansion worldwide.
The religion has an emblem to recognize all its disciples. Any website that has the Kopimism emblem is an affiliate that can copy and duplicate your information.
The entire body, founders or companies denounce them for fraud. But the kopinistas demand All the knowledge for all, one of the phrases that give to know about the ideology of the kopimism. The registration, transcription and circulation of testimonies are sacred. Among other of his phrases you can also see the following.
The Church of Kopimism estimates that the CTRL + C and CTRL + V keys are sacred signs, it was certified by the government authorities, its religious followers hope that this will calm or at least calm the stains that corner the change of files through the peer-to-peer (p2p) system, which is a computer system where its entire composition can work without users or fixed stable orders. The P2P system finally authorizes immediate exchange of information, in any configuration, between the connected organizers.