Estimated year of creation: 1693.
God of the Amish Mennonites: God.
Major Books of Amish Mennonites: The Bible.
Chief Prophet of the Amish Mennonites: Menno Simons and Jakob Ammann.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Various settlements in Switzerland, the United States and Canada.
Number of faithful around the world: 1,480,000
Main symbol of the Amish Mennonites: Dove with olive tree.
Basic principles of Amish Mennonites:
They do not recognize any other doctrinal authority outside the Bible, which they interpret in accordance with the Protestant principle of free examination. Three tendencies can be distinguished among Mennonites: conservatives, moderates and liberals, depending on how they apply more or less firmly some of the basic principles that characterize them:
Only adults who confess their faith can receive Baptism.
Insistence on the total separation of Church and State.
Resignation to participate in positions of public administration.
Refusal to bear arms.
Prohibition of taking oaths and prosecuting civil courts.
They are also distinguished by their greater or lesser attachment to customs such as isolation from society, education in public schools, the way they dress and the denial of technology, among others.
Brief description of the Amish Mennonites:
The Amish way of life is dictated by a strict set of rules, the Ordnung, of the community. Ordnungs differ between communities, and within a community from district to district. What is acceptable in one community may not be in another. No summary of the Amish "way of life" can be entirely accurate, since few generalities are true of all Amish.
Their strict religious beliefs have led them to maintain life as it was three centuries ago: they tend livestock, till the land without modern machinery, and live in moderation.
His clothing is another of his distinctive features. The women always wear modest dresses below the knees and a kind of cap, white if they are married and black if they are single. The men wear dark suits with generally white shirts and wide-brimmed hats. After getting married they grow their beards, but not their mustaches.
Some groups prohibit buttons on clothing, allowing only hooks and grommets to close garments.
When children grow up they can choose the way of life they prefer. In some communities, parents allow their children to experience the way of life in the outside world for a few years, so that they can decide whether they want to be baptized and join the community for life or remain in the outside world.
One of the things that most attracts the attention of the Amish is their resistance to the use of technology. They do not use cars, telephones (they use community telephone booths, only for cases of extreme urgency), televisions, radio, or running water, among other things.