Estimated year of creation: 1830.
Prophet of Mormonism: Joseph Smith.
Major Books of Mormonism: The Bible and The Book of Mormon.
Main deities of Mormonism: Jesus Christ.
Headquarters / Capital in the world: Salt Lake City.
Number of faithful around the world: More than 15 million.
Main symbol of the god of Mormonism:
Basic principles of Mormonism:
There are several points that bring together the core beliefs of Mormonism, among them are thirteen basic points to which Mormon followers adhere. These are:
They believe and worship the Holy Trinity, represented by God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and in God as the Holy Spirit.
They consider that human beings will be punished not for Adam's transgression, but for their own sins committed on earth.
They believe that because of the Atonement of Christ, the entire human species has the possibility of being saved. Salvation can be found through obedience to the laws as well as the ordinances contained in the Gospel.
They consider that the first ordinances and the first principles of the Gospel are:
First: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Second: repentance
Third: Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins
Fourth: the Laying on of hands for communication with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
They consider that the human being can be called by God through prophecy and the laying on of hands, especially by those who have the authority with the intention that they can preach the Gospel of religion and thus administer its ordinances.
They believe in the same organization that existed during the times of the Primitive Church, which had prophets, apostles, pastors, evangelists, teachers, among others.
Mormons believe in the gift of tongues, visions, healings, interpretation of tongues, prophecies, and revelations, among other practices.
They consider the Bible to be directly the word of God, insofar as it is correctly translated. In addition to this, they also believe that the word of God is contained in the Book of Mormon.
Mormons believe in everything that God has revealed and what He is revealing today, as well as what He will continue to reveal, because they believe that God will continue to reveal important issues related to the kingdom of God.
They believe in the congregation of the people of Israel, as well as in the restoration of the Ten Tribes, that the New Jerusalem, or Zion, will be built on top of the American continent. There, Christ will be able to reign in a personal way on earth, and this, in turn, will be renewed and receive with faith the glory of Heaven.
Mormons claim the right to worship God according to the dictates of human consciousness, in addition to granting humanity the same privilege, which consists of worshiping whatever they wish.
They believe Mormons are subject to kings, as well as rulers, presidents, magistrates, and other authorities to uphold, honor, and obey the law.
They consider that human beings have the ability to be chaste, benevolent, truthful, honest and virtuous to do good to all human beings, this under the admonition of Paul. The human being aspires to something virtuous or beautiful, worthy of praise and a good reputation.
Brief description of Mormonism.
Although it is usually called Mormonism or Mormon Church, its official name is: Latter-day Saint Movement, which is a part of Christianity that is made up of a group of Churches that are divided from religion under a doctrine that it is based on the Book of Mormon, the Bible, and a compilation of texts such as the Book of Abraham, among others.
It is also known as "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", the "Community of Christ" or "Churches of Christ", among other names. The center of their religious practices relates particular doctrines that are not linked to the rest of the denominations of Christianity, such as the baptism of the dead or polygamy, among others.